Sunday, July 11, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Em and Jake gave me this statue of the Virgin Mary for Mother's Day. I have always felt such a kinship to her - mother to Mother perhaps - I can only imagine how her heart must have broken.

My little garden patio

I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately with the busy-ness of my life. So I made a decision to start getting my "house in order". I received a book on square foot gardening from my dad for Christmas and read it cover to cover a few times over! There is something very calming about growing things. And about having things in order...

As I get older I realize that my grandma was right. Life goes by so very quickly. You get to the end of it and wonder where its gone. The thought leaves me feeling a bit of sadness in the pit of my stomach. Somehow gardening eases the ache and anchors me to my family and my ancestors. I am grateful for all that I have been given.